GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL (Halle 1685 - London 1759) 
Harpsichord Transcriptions & 6 Little Fugues FERNANDO DE LUCA harpsichord

Concerto Grosso in d Minor Op.6 No.10 HWV328 (1739/40) Transcribed by F. Chrysander, adapted to Harpsichord by F. De Luca - Ouverture
- Allegro [Fuga] - Lentement
- Air, lentement [Sarabande]
- Allegro [Allemande]
- Allegro [Courante]
- Allegro moderato in D Major [Gavotte]
Parnasso in Festa, per li sponsali di Teti e Peleo (1734) Parte Seconda, No.1 - Transcribed by F. De Luca 6 Piccole Fughe, from "Twelve Voluntaries and Fugues for the Organ or Harpsichord with Rules for Tuning by... Mr Handel" (London, c.1780) Published in [Chrysander, Vol.48] p.183-190; 1894 attr. Handel, probably spurious - Fuga No.1
- Fuga No.2
- Fuga No.3
- Fuga No.4
- Fuga No.5
- Fuga No.6
Amadigi di Gaula (1715), Atto II, Scena V Transcribed by F. De Luca

Issue 2015-01 Recorded in Venice: 2014 August 16 (Concerto Grosso X / Amadigi di Gaula) 2013 February 25 (Little Fugues) Recorded in Rome: 2012 March 15 (Parnasso in Festa) German harpsichord after Christian Vater (1738) built by F. P. Ciocca (2007). Pitch A=415Hz . |