JOHN BLOW (Newark, Notts., 1649 - Westminster, London, 1708) 46 KEYBOARD PIECES A CHOICE COLLECTION OF LESSONS (1698) Suite No.1 in d Minor - Almand
- [Corant]
- [Theatre] Tune
- Jigg
Suite No.2 in d Minor - Ground
- [Rondo]
- Minuet
Suite No.3 in a Minor - Almand
- Corant
- Saraband
- Jigg
Suite No.4 in C Major - [Almand]
- Corant
- Sarab(r)and (from The Second Part of Musick's Hand-maid, 1689)
- Gavott
from A CHOICE COLLECTION OF AYRES (1700) Suite No.5 in d Minor - Almand
- Corant
- Minuet
from THE SECOND BOOK OF THE HARPSICHORD MASTER (1700) Suite No.6 in g Minor - Almand
- Sarabrand
- Aire
OTHER SELECTED PIECES Pieces in C Major [Lesson I] - Allmand
- Corrant
- Sarabrand
- Almand
- The Hunting Almand
Pieces in D Major & d Minor [Lesson II] - Trumpett Almond
- Corant
- Gavatt
- Sarabrand
Pieces in F Major [Lesson III] - Almond
- Corant
- Sarabrand
- Dr. Blow's Chacone in Faut
Pieces in G Major [Lesson IV] - The Hunting Almand
- A Saraband
- An Aire
- Prelude
Pieces in g Minor [Lesson V] - Overture
- Dr. Blow's Ground in Gamutt Flatt
- Chacone
Pieces in a Minor [Lesson VI] - Almand
- Corant
- Saraband
- [Jig]
- [Aire]
. | | 
MATTHEW LOCKE (Exeter 1621 - London 1677) Suites from Melothesia (1673) Suite I in C Major - Prelude
- Saraband
- Prelude
- Almain
- Corant
- Gavott
- Country Dance
Suite II in g Minor - Almain
- Saraband
- Virago
- Round
Suite III in C Major - Prelude
- Almain
- Corant
- Saraband
- Jig

HENRY PURCELL (London 1659 - 1695) 28 KEYBOARD PIECES - A New Ground in e Minor, Z.T682 ("Here the Deities Approve" from "Welcome to All the Pleasures")
- Ground in c Minor, Z.T681
- Ground in d Minor, Z.D222
- Chaconne, Z.T680
- Ground in c Minor, Z.D221/Z.T681 (attr. William Croft)
- Saraband with division in a Minor, Z.654
- Song Tune in C Major, Z.T694
- March in C Major, Z.647
- A Song Tune in C Major, Z.T695
- March in C Major, Z.648
- New Minuet, Z.T689
- A Minuet in a Minor, Z.650
- Rigadoon in C Major, Z.653
- Minuet, Z.T688
- Air, Z.641
- Minuet, Z.651
- Air, Z.630/1
- Air, Z.T693/2
- Jigg, Z.T686
- Hornpipe, Z.T683
- Hornpipe, Z.T685
- Almand [Gavotte] in D Major, Z.D219/1 (spurious)
- Borry [Saraband] in D Major, Z.D219/2 (spurious)
- [March in C Major, Z.?]
- The Queen's Dolour. A Farewell, Z.670
- Trumpet Tune, Z.T698 (coda added by F. De Luca)
- March, Z.T687
- Trumpet Tune in C Major, Z.T697 (from "Dioclesian")
  photo by Zadok (April 2016)
FERNANDO DE LUCA harpsichord 
Issue 2016-08 Recorded in Venice 2013 August 16-31 German harpsichord after Christian Vater (1738) built by F. P. Ciocca (2007); Pitch A=415Hz | |